Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Warm and Fuzzy . The Story and the Sweater.


Renato Sobrino, with the support of friends and family members, founded PUNKU in June 2005 in Montreal, Canada.

“After discovering the Fair Trade movement and witnessing that it is truly helping many producers and artisans in Peru, I decided to commit my entire career to Fair Trade. Moreover, I strongly believe that Fair Trade is a fundamental part of the complex solution of reducing the extreme inequity in the distribution of wealth and achieving social justice in the world.

We chose “Punku” as the name of our company because in Quechua (the language of the Incas) “Punku” means “door”. We wanted to convey the idea that our ultimate goal is to open “doors”.. “doors” of hope and “doors” of opportunities for thousands and thousands of small and marginalized groups of producers and artisans in Latin America.

Since 2005, Punku has been an active player in the Fair Trade movement in Canada and in Peru (for more information visit the section: Punku in the press)

In 2008, PUNKU became a member of the Fair Trade Federation. The Fair Trade Federation (FTF) is an association of businesses and organizations who are fully committed to Fair Trade. The FTF screens the business practices of their members . (For more information visit ww.FairTradeFederation.org)

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